The distinctive approach of the SOZO ministry is focused on addressing the foundational obstacles hindering your connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Experience the fullness of your God-given destiny through this Spirit-led and efficient inner healing and deliverance ministry. SOZO, characterized by its simplicity, speed, and effectiveness, identifies and addresses issues in minutes rather than years.

    For information about an appointment, click the button below to email us.

  • Integrated Health Transformation Centre

    Integrated - We are an interdisciplinary healthcare ministry integrating medical science, psychology, physical therapies, and Christian spirituality.

    Health - We aim to restore health and wellness to body, soul, and spirit.

    Transformation - We desire to see lives, leaders, relationships, and communities transformed by love.

    Centre - We serve the local community, as well as receive referrals from healthcare professionals and clergy in our Maritime Provinces region.

    Integrated Health Transformation Centre Inc. is an incorporated nonprofit on PEI with a mission to provide education and healthcare services to supplement existing services. Our approach is on the whole person and is based on the bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of health and wellness.

    Our focus will be prevention through lifestyle education and mentoring, treatment of stress-related illnesses, and breaking the transgenerational patterns of childhood trauma. We will integrate the latest neuroscience discoveries about neuroplasticity, with the fields of psychology, medicine and neurotheology.

    While we will treat and educate people of all faiths and non-believers, we do teach the disciplines and healing methods as found in the records of Jesus Christ’s life and ministry.

  • Celebrate Recovery

    Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a biblically-based, recovery program that addresses our Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits using a 12-step approach based on the Beatitudes from the book of Matthew.

  • Counselling Resources

    This is a list of counselling resources Summerside Community Church has compiled for those who would like to dig deeper into their personal lives and deal with issues that are surfacing.

  • Missions We Support
  • Understanding Grief

    Unresolved grief can hold us back and even cause some to turn away from God. Part of discipleship

    is practicing grief in the way God designed it, which is allowing it to change/transform us. Allowing

    it to enlarge our capacity to love God and love others as much as ourselves. The purpose of this course is to help you continue your journey of being transformed, healed, and set free, to be all you are called to be. To help you identify/face/embrace your realities in grief and to begin to allow grief to expand your capacity for love and new life.